Friday, December 28, 2007

Was wisdom in the Garden before the fall?

During our Christmas game of phase 10 with my family, my sister an I began a discussion on Adam and Eve. This was more than just your everyday discussion on the first couple but that of wisdom in the garden. She exclaimed that she was just in a bible study on the fall and found that Adam and Eve did not have wisdom prior to the fall. Since we didn't fully enter into the discussion I was able to get just how she come up with that understanding. I on the other hand totally and utterly disagree that they didn't have wisdom, but also had knowledge and understanding to add. Adam and Eve had cognitive abilities which are knowledge wisdom and understanding.

When God created the earth and all things in it he created those things fully grown , once he was completed. Adam and Eve would not have been toddlers nor would they have been tweens but adults or at the least adolescence. Adam and Eve would be much different than the animals and the trees, which is that they were giving the breath of life and also that they were made in the image of God in his likeness, male and female. They were in command from God to rule over the fish, birds and lives stock and creatures that move along the ground over all the earth. This would mean that they would have to have understanding of what animals where which knowledge of there habitat and wisdom to be able to utilize there ability to rule over the land.

Genisis 1 26-27

26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Secondly the exchange between the crafty serpent and the woman was an even better example of knowledge and wisdom. The serpent being crafty tried to change the commandment of God by changing what God really said which was not to eat from the tree of knowledge, but Satan said any tree in the garden. Eve using wisdom and knowledge said " we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden" but not from the tree in the middle of the garden. This was and example of knowledge and wisdom of the command. Wisdom not to be taken by crafty words, but Eve was duped into believing she could be more like God if they ate of the tree's fruit. Which is what she really lacked wisdom of evil, but all the while Adam was hanging by.

Genisis 3:1-3

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "

So Adam and Eve did have wisdom prior to the fall, but it could also be said that wisdom and knowledge of good and evil is what they lacked and is how they were duped into finding out

Sunday, June 10, 2007


What is worry? Is it an emotion that we need? Is it something we can do without? What benefit is worry?

I’m I qualified to even ask or answer those questions. I worried about how my business was going to grow. How was I going to pay my employees? Feed, house and clothe my family. Did have I have within me the ability to even run a business. Could I satisfy my customers in the even something went wrong or could I even follow through with what I promised? Would I allow commercialism to force me to spend what I don’t have with the small amount of money that was coming in?

Worry is nothing but fear in a disguise. It is an emotion we can do without. It will block you from what ever else that my stand in your way from moving forward or to accomplishing today’s goal. We definitely can do without fear. Fear has a benefit if that is how you make money, we live in a fear based society. Someone is making money off of our fear. From security companies to insurance brokers and real estate agents these are some but a few of fear mongers. FDR said in his inaugural address “there is nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Fear is only good for one thing and that is being fearful of the One who can destroy you today and for eternity punish you that same day. So we are only worried about those who destroy only the body. Being fearful of God the Father is the only benefit to worrying.

In our search for happiness we are fearful, we shouldn’t seek it will be given to us from our Holy Father we ask and share with those that are least it will be given. So watch the greed it is part of our fear of losing what we have. We take but we do not give. We are fearful of what we will not find. Love we want but it is already before us we choose to seeking for worldly love that empty carb love. Here one minute gone the next.

As human we so strongly want to control all aspects of our lives, but in the end we control nothing but our faith. That is something we can control. Have faith in the Heavenly Father who says if the birds have nest, food and are clothed with great splendor how much more valuable then are we in comparison to birds. If we put our faith and trust in him who cares for, us then so what is Fear? We will be just fine.

Is it really that easy? Does it seem like everyone else controls our lives but us. So we must take control of what we perceive to be controllable. We control what we watch, listen and see. So since we don’t see the One who can destroy us. We perceive he isn’t watching listening or seeing us. So I continue down the path of lacking faith of his existence. So I allow myself to be controlled by my environment, my government, and commercialism.

Our fear of the unknown is what we try to control like if we plot and strategize we will take less risk and feeling like we can’t loss, but in the end you relied on the numbers the odds of the bet. The house always wins.

Look we have those feelings or regret of greed and worry. We can’t change the past by regretting and we can’t control the future by worrying. We can only control our faith that is placing that free will in him who says I love you and I died for your sins and that all that you are worried and fearful of I have over come by dying on that cross. Place you burdens upon me and I will carry that load. There isn’t a load he cannot bare. It was paid for and has now been fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Have faith in him and trust and believe that he will do what he says even though you don’t see him but believe that it is working out for the best and these things are life lesson. If you live you learn and if you learn you live. If you believe you will live and you will live if you believe. All these things in the power of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, those who believe he didn’t give you the spirit of fear, but of power and a sound mind.

Be blessed Amen