I have to ask this question of myself from now on; and that is “Am I ashamed of the Gospel?” A discussion broke out which really has no bases in anything except to cause divisiveness between, which might seem like a bad joke an agnostic, Muslim and myself the Christian. Well the Muslim in the story brought up how Christian outside of America feel that they have a better brand of Christianity. Let me also be clear that I am paraphrasing his comment, but the intent was too invoke anger within me. So I began to explain the different denominations within the totality of Christianity from Roman Catholics to Orthodox and Protestants. Then we began to disagree on the etymology of Bethlehem in Arabic knows it as house of meat and I believed that it is House of God for bread, I say that because cause it is a compound word which get lost in the English translation. I eventually threw my hands up and said “NO MAS!” Some people you can not discuss truth with. So this bring me to my point of no being ashamed of the Gospel even though the Muslim didn’t want to hear or understand and even comprehend the term Bethlehem or the origins of Christianity we must still proclaim the Gospel to the lost and hard headed even when you might need to throw up your hands and so no more to this one because salvation from the gospel is to everyone who believes and sadly to say the wrath of God is on those who might not believe. If you get a chance check out Romans 1:16-20