Wednesday, January 04, 2012


Driving home from work and the Spirit hit me with the issue that I am dealing with lately. Rejection.. No one likes rejection so much so they really don’t talk about it. Is it because we are in a bad economy or is it that rejection is a part of life. Sometimes there will be no and other times yes. Yet for me I feel like it is always no or your not good enough. There have been many experiences in my life that I would call failures but to keep me moving forward and cover up the pain, I have been told to say that failures make you stronger. All of this is told in order to really on yourself, look I am not perfect so don’t expect me to be so. The one thing that I do know is what scripture tells me and that is found in Rom 8:1 For there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rejection is sin telling you that you are condemned, but Jesus has done and has given me the authority to do and be otherwise.

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